Operation footstool


            1. Israel under the fifth cycle of discipline no longer represents Jesus Christ on the earth. Since 70 AD the southern kingdom has been under the fifth cycle of discipline. Many of the Jews to whom this was originally addressed were unbelievers, therefore under a double curse. They were under the penalty of sin, which is death, and they were about to get under the fifth cycle of discipline. The only answer to this is the grace of God - Hebrews 2:1,3. All of this adds up to the principle that the Jews were about to go under a terrible disaster, and at that point the southern kingdom no longer represents the Lord Jesus Christ. In place of that, of course, we have the Church.

           2. Israel is replaced by the Church, hence the Church now represents Jesus Christ on the earth. Remember that any Jew who believes in Christ is a member of the body of Christ, or the Church, just as any Gentile. In that way cursing is turned to blessing for Israel during the Church Age. Because of this and the session of Jesus Christ the angelic conflict has intensified during the Church Age. In fact, everything has changed. The Church Age is a radical change in the function of believers because of the intensification of the angelic conflict. In the past angels were teachers of prophets, angels gave the law to Moses, angels were teachers in the Old Testament. But angels are now replaced by human teachers — the pastor-teacher. All of this is a part of the intensification of the angelic conflict and all of this started on the basis of the session of Jesus Christ. The various passages which emphasise this include Ephesians 1:22-24; 2:16; 4:4,5; 5:23,24, 30,32; Colossians 1:18,24; 2:19.

          3. The body of Christ is being prepared on earth by means of the baptism of the Holy Spirit — 1 Corinthians 12:13; Colossians 2:10. At the moment of salvation every believer is entered into union with Christ. Positionally, all believers are now superior to angels.  

         4. When the body is completed it is removed from the devil’s world by means of the Rapture of the Church — 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. Rapture is a technical word for the resurrection of the Church Age believers only. The completed body, through the Rapture, then becomes the bride of Christ. Once in heaven the bride is prepared for the second advent.

          5. The preparation of the bride in heaven: First of all the bride enters ultimate sanctification, which means receiving a resurrection body like that of the Lord Jesus Christ — 1 Corinthians 15:51-57; Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:1,2. Secondly, the bride is not permitted to have anything old. The old sin nature is removed — 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Thirdly, the bride is cleansed from all human good — 1 Corinthians 3:12,15.

          6. The bride returns with Christ at the second advent — 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Revelation 19:6-8.

          7. Then comes operation footstool which occurs at the second advent. First of all, Satan is imprisoned for a thousand years — Revelation 20:1-3. Secondly, fallen angels are removed by believers of the Church Age — Zechariah 13:2; Colossians 2:15; 1 Corinthians 15:24,25.

          8. The removal of Satan and fallen angels, plus the rulership of Christ replacing Satan, changes the environment of the earth. Religion is removed — 1 Corinthians 10:20,21. You can’t have perfect environment as long as you have religion on the earth. False doctrine is removed (doctrines of demons) — 1 Timothy 4:1. Spirituality includes ecstatics for the first time — Joel 2:28,29.




The doctrine of Operation Footstool


            I. Definition of Operation Footstool: Hebrews 1:13; 10:13

                        a) Operation footstool is an idiom in the ancient languages representing the fact that your enemies are conquered.

                        b) This footstool operation refers to Jesus Christ in His humanity having victory over Satan on the cross, and Church Age believers (in Christ) bumping one demon each (one on one) at the second advent.


           II. Operation Footstool is prophesied in Psalm 110:1. The following steps are necessary in dealing with Satan and demons.

                        a) Virgin birth.

                        b) Cross: Death, Burial.

                        c) Resurrection (of humanity of Christ)

                        d) Ascension.

                        e) Seated at the right hand of God the Father.

                        f) Formation of the body of Christ (Positional Truth)

                        g) Rapture

                        h) Cleansing the bride (Church) of human good, preparing to return with Christ

                        i) Second Advent

                        j) Satan bound, demons bumped.


         III. Angelic Conflict Resume:

                        a) God created angels with volition.

                        b) Satan acted independently of God: 5 “I wills”

                        c) God sentenced Satan. Matthew 25:41

                        d) Satan impugned the character of God: “How can a loving God cast His creatures into the lake of fire?” Human viewpoint does not consider the entire essence box, but only love

                        e) God’s answer: God created man with volition. Every time a member of the human race (created a little lower than the angels) chooses for God, the character of God is vindicated, and Satan loses the argument. This resolves the angelic conflict.


        IV. Conclusion:

                        a) When the number of believers (Church Age — body of Christ) equals the number of fallen angels (operating under Satan on earth) the Rapture of the Church will take place. The body will be complete.

                        b) Seven years later, when Jesus Christ returns (2nd advent) there will be one part of the body of Christ to bump each angel (one believer dumping one fallen angel).

                        c) In this way each fallen angel will have proof of having a counterpart in lower creation (the human race).



The Church Qualified to Remove Demons


            1. Man is lower than the angels: Hebrews 2:7.

            2. God the Son became humanity — made little lower than the angels. Hebrews 2:9, “But we see Jesus (Humanity) who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death ...”

            3. The God-Man is made higher than the angels at the point of ascension. 1 Peter 3:22, “Who (Jesus Christ) is gone into heaven and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject to Him.”

            4. God the Father told God the Son to sit down at His right hand. For the first time in eternity the Humanity of Jesus Christ was higher than angels. (His deity always was) Hebrews 1:13, “But to which of the angels said He at any time, sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”

            5. As believers, we are “heirs of salvation” (In Christ) and we are positionally higher than angels. Hebrews 1:14. If you as a believer do not understand the doctrine of positional truth you will never understand operation footstool or the angelic conflict.

            6. Only the Church (the body of Christ) is in Christ, and therefore higher than angels positionally and would have the right to bump angels.

            7. Result: Each believer has a guardian angel. Hebrews 1:14. “Are they not all ministering spirits (angels) sent forth to minister for them who are the heirs of salvation?”

            8. The guardian angels are probably the angels that fight with Michael and bump fallen angels at Mid-Tribulation. These would be the same in number as the Church.

            9. Old Testament saints may be equal in number to the bound fallen angels (the ones involved in Genesis 6). They are not in Christ and therefore not higher positionally than angels. Bound angels need no bumping.


            Study very carefully the next category. It gives the mechanics of bumping the demons. Check it out with an open Bible. The angelic conflict and operation footstool pull together all the various doctrines of the Church Age and enables you to see why God set up the Church Age the way He did. God’s plan is perfect!



Amplification of Church Age believers Bumping Demons at the Second Advent


            An understanding of this operation cannot be understood without an understanding of positional truth (our standing) in Christ.


            I. The victory of positional truth: 1 Corinthians 15:20ff.

                        a) In Adam “all die.”   An individual dies spiritually as he is born spiritually.

                        b) In Christ “all made alive.” When born-again, the individual is made spiritually alive.


                        i. This builds up the body of Christ — Christ’s humanity is seated (Hebrews 1:13), never said to be an angel.

                        ii. We are in Christ, placed there one by one, but there is a certain time when the body is completed.


                        c) There are two resurrections: John 5:29 (Just as there are two categories of mankind — believer and unbeliever)


                        There are four phases to the resurrection of life:

                        i. The resurrection of Christ. (In His ascension forty days later, He was the first man to be in the presence of God in heaven)

                        ii. The resurrection of the Church: 1 Corinthians 15:23, “Afterwards they that are Christ’s at His coming ...”

                       iii. Then: The resurrection of Old testament and Tribulational saints at the second advent — 1 Corinthians 15:24-27; Isaiah 26:16-21; Daniel 12:1-3; Revelation 11:18.

                       iv. The resurrection of the Millennial saints: Revelation 11:18.


            There is one phase to the resurrection of damnation: The Great White Throne Judgment, Revelation 20:11-15.


            II. The victory of removed demons: Zechariah 13:2; Hosea 2:14-23.

                        a) Note the Tribulational battles: Zechariah 12 (Context)

                        b) Note conversion emphasis during the tribulation and at the 2nd advent. Zechariah 13:1.

                        c) Removal of demons:


                        i. “Cut off the names of the idols” (idols = demon possession).

                        ii. “cause prophets” (Unbelievers, false teachers, destroyed in the battle of Armageddon at 2nd advent).

                       iii. “unclean spirits will pass out of the land.” This is the removal of demons at the 2nd advent.

                       iv. Hosea 2:14-23 — note verse 17, “demons removed.”


            Note: Modus operandi not given in the Old Testament because the Church was not revealed in the Old Testament. The Church was a mystery, Ephesians 3:1-10.


          III. Method of removing demons: Colossians 2:14,15.

                        a) The Cross: Genesis 3:15; 1 John 3:8, etc. The fact: Satan was judged at the cross.

                        b) The Executing of the Sentence: The battle (analogous to the cross)


                        i. “Spoiled” — the battle, the cross.

                          Principalities: demonic powers.

                          Powers: demonic powers. (In this context it refers to demonic powers; in a context like Titus 3:1 it can refer to government leaders)

                        Proof: Ephesians 6:12 — that in the Colossian context it does not refer to government leaders, it refers to demonic powers. Cf. 1 Peter 3:22 also.

                        ii. “Show openly” — public display of victory. In analogy, this is the 2nd advent. Matthew 24:27-31.

            Parallel in history: The Roman Triumvirate. The victors march — all the prisoners were marched through the streets of Rome (in chains).

                       iii. “triumphing over them in it”


                        The victors in Rome had a one on one execution.

                        One Roman soldier killed one prisoner.

                        Until all were bumped off.


                        c) Conclusion:


                        i. Our position in Christ gives us a position above fallen angels. You cannot understand this doctrine unless you understand positional truth and can apply it (to this doctrine). The believer in position is above unfallen angels, this is why we have guardian angels. The believer is also higher in position than fallen angels.

                        ii. Our position in Christ puts us into position t judge angels (fallen). 1 Corinthians 6:3, “know ye not that we shall judge angels?” It is a one on one: Christ-Satan, believers-demons.

                       iii. Therefore, every time homo sapien believes, angels of God rejoice. Luke 15:10, “likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”

                       iv. This hastens the day of operation footstool: 2nd advent. Every time a person believes in Christ it is sure that one demon will be bumped off.

                        v. Therefore Satan tries to delay operation footstool: 2nd advent.


                        By keeping the unbeliever from believing.

                        By keeping the believer from true spirituality.


            But God’s program goes right on!



Enemies in operation footstool


            I. There are three categories referred to as enemies in scripture.

                        a) Death, 1 Corinthians 15:26

                        b) Human race, Romans 5:10.

                        c) Fallen angels.


           II. Who are the enemies in operation footstool?

                        Hebrews 1:13 in the Greek quotes Psalm 110:1 in the Hebrew: “Thine enemies” : Hebrew — qal active participle (declarative)

                                                                                                                                                Greek — Present tense (keep on being)


          III. Death: Not the enemy because “thine enemies” refers to a being (created).


          IV. The human race does not “keep on being” the enemy involved in operation footstool because:

                        a) When a member of the human race believes in Jesus Christ he is no longer an enemy of God but a child of God.

                        b) The unbeliever is no longer behind the barrier — Ephesians 2:15,16, “enmity has been removed. There is no longer a barrier.

                        c) The only separation between God and man is now the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is dependent upon man’s volition. The work has been done.

                        d) The human race is redeemed, not conquered.


            V. Conclusion: Therefore only the fallen angels keep on being the enemies.



Known Factors, Conclusions


            1. Jesus was made lower than angels that He might die for every man. Hebrews 2:9

            2. After His ascension and His acceptability in session He was an is higher than angels. Hebrews 1:13; 1 Peter 3:22.

            3. The length of His session is until His enemies are made His footstool, an idiom in the ancient languages representing the fact that your enemies are conquered. Hebrews 10:13.

            4. This was said to Jesus at the beginning of the Church Age, indicating that the Church would be involved in the process of making His enemies His footstool. Hebrews 10:12; Acts 1:8.

            5. Believers in the Church Age are in Christ and are therefore positionally higher than angels. Hebrews 1:14.

            6. At the 2nd advent they will actually be higher than angels in their resurrection body, minus the old sin nature and minus human good.

            7. Body of Christ (Church Age believers) is being completed on earth by the conversion of individuals and when completed it is raptured. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17.

            8. Satan and fallen angels are the enemies of Christ.

            9. Colossians 2:14,15 shows that Jesus Christ triumphed over them in principle at the cross and will, in fact, at the second advent. Colossians 2:10 with Zechariah 13:2.

            10. Jesus is to sit until His enemies are made His footstool so when He leaves His seat at the right hand of the Father this indicates that His enemies have been made His footstool.

            11. At the Rapture of the Church, Jesus Christ leaves heaven — to get His Church — and is no longer seated. 1 Thessalonians 4:16.

            12. At the Rapture the body of Christ is complete.

            13. Conclusion is that the body of Christ has something to do with making His enemies His footstool. At the point of the Rapture a number of believers in the body of Christ = number of fallen angels (enemies).

            14. Why aren’t demons bumped at the Rapture?

                        a) The body of Christ needs to be actually higher than angels, not just positionally. So the judgment seat of Christ (during the seven years of the Tribulation) is preparation time for the body to become the bride.

                        b) God promised Israel seven more years. These are the seventy weeks of Daniel (last week in particular — seven years). These are the years of the Tribulation which is the completion of the Jewish Age. These have to be completed before the Millennium can be ushered in.

                        c) The demons are operational during these seven years.

                        d) They are not bumped in fact until the beginning of the Millennium when Satan is imprisoned and all demons are removed to make way for the perfect environment of the Millennium. Revelation 20:2.

            15. Reason for the bumping is so that each fallen angel will have proof of having a counterpart in lower creation. This solves the angelic conflict.

            16. The angelic conflict:

                        a) God created angels with volition.

                        b) Satan acted independently of God. 5 “I wills”

                        c) God sentenced Satan. Matthew 25:41

                        d) Satan impugned the character of God: “How can a loving God cast His creatures (angels) into the lake of fire?” Human viewpoint does not consider the entire essence box, but only love.

            17. God’s answer: God created ,man with volition. Satan thought everyone would decide against God. By getting man to sin, Satan thought he could prove God’s unfairness. Surely God would not send man to the lake of fire — not this creature He had made to have fellowship with Himself! God loves His creatures too much! Satan reasoned, if man doesn’t have to be punished, why should he (Satan)?

            Every time a member of the human race, created a little lower than the angels, chooses for God, the character of God is vindicated and Satan loses the argument. This resolves the angelic conflict.

            18. Michael’s angels (Revelation 12:9) are possibly guardian angels of the Church Age believers, equal in number to the fallen angels.


            Now if you are gnashing your teeth saying, “I just can’t get this, sounds good, but I just don’t believe it,” my word to you is, “Relax doc!!” It takes time to understand Bible doctrine. And perhaps you don’t understand how gnwsij (knowledge in the mind) is converted to e)pignwsij (full knowledge, understandable knowledge) in the human spirit.

            Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Many believers say, “I don’t understand it, therefore I reject it.” Put this on the back burner and let it simmer for a while. Don’t go on negative signals — and get under discipline.